not currently airing
not currently airingat East Friendship baptist church
Connect with marvelous lightShow timesMarvelous Light with Pastor Wyndell Banks
Wednesdays 7:00-8:00p ET Marvelous Light with Pastor Wyndell Banks
Rebroadcast on Sundays 2:00-3:00p ET Marvelous Light WORD
Saturday & Sunday Mornings 7:30-8:00a ET See more pictures from these past interviewsPastor Banks welcomes his wife, Dr. Amy J. Banks, to the show. They talk about the Irreplaceable Crown of Creation: Woman, the Ezer Kenegdo. This is the original translation of "help meet" (Gen. 2:18); "ezer" meaning "the one who comes to save, strong rescuer", "kenegdo" meaning "equal, counterpart, match, alongside." Dr. Banks has a Ph.D in Developmental Psychology and a Masters of Theological Studies and works for the Federal Government on issues of National, State, and Local emergency planning and recovery.
BRITE Radio thanks Richard Smallwood for joining Marvelous Light with Pastor Wyndell Banks and sharing your personal journey through pain and depression, your calling into music and ministry, and how God works in and through it ALL! We greatly appreciate your vulnerability, your wisdom, and your long tradition of inspirational music! You're always welcome at BRITE Radio.
#BRITEradio #MarvelousLightPWB #RichardSmallwood BRITE Radio thanks Pastor Clarence Parks of Peace and Power Ministries for joining Marvelous Light with Pastor Wyndell Banks. Your counsel and wisdom were timely and on point to get us into moving NOW and not procrastinating. "Why put off for tomorrow what God can do today!" There were so much to take in on one show that we're just gonna have to have you back to share the spiritual & practical principles to help us dig out from the past, manage the present, and enter into the future.
FMI: #MarvelousLightPWB #ClarenceJParks #PeaceandPowerMinistry |